
Welcome to the temporary site of the Crossfit360 Boot Camp! Our web guy is in the process of creating a page exclusively for the Boot Camp on our main site, but until then we'll be hanging out here!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Will everyone be looking at me?

This is a very, very common thought among people who are just beginning (or re-beginning) to work out. We have ALL suffered from it at some point or another. We imagine that we will make such a spectacle of ourselves as we huff and puff, and have to take a break midway through an exercise, and sweat and just generally look awful. I'm going to let you in on a little secret...

90% of everyone else is thinking the same thing!!! They're imagining YOU are looking at THEM, and they're so wrapped up in their own thoughts of how do I do this, oh my goodness I must look like an idiot, etc. etc. that they aren't even bothering to look at you. You aren't their concern, they are! It's not going to be high school gym class; there will be no last people picked for teams or people pointing and laughing. Everyone is so busy with themselves that they don't have time to think negative thoughts about someone else!

At our gym, really, we are just happy you are working out. I don't care if you can't do a pushup. Or a situp. I care that you are trying to. I care that you got off the couch, got into your sneakers, and showed up to do your best! In Crossfit, which is our other program, we have a saying: DFL>DNF>DNS. Dead Freaking Last beats Did Not Finish beats Did Not Start. You're never in last place if you actually got yourself to the gym. All those people at home are! ;)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Let the Countdown begin!

So, you are probably trying to decide whether to jump on this train, and register for the Crossfit360 Boot Camp. You are probably feeling a lot of things right now. "This time will be the time," part of you says, while another, more critical part might be saying "Why bother? You'll never get into the shape you want to be in."

I'm going to keep it simple. This is completely under your control, and you can do this. We are going to give you all of the support that you will need, including excellent coaches, well-balanced classes that focus on cardiovascular work, strength, balance, and agility, nutritional guidelines, and accountability. That's right--if you are scheduled to come to class and you miss it, your coach is going to contact you and get you back in. We don't *make* you do it, but we do all we can to get you in the door. Large gyms and other bootcamp programs rely, to a certain extent, on people signing up and then not showing up. Imagine if every member of your local Gold's actually started using his/her membership. You might not even be able to get in the door, it would be so overcrowded.

We are the opposite. We want you to come in. Class sizes will be controlled in order to foster a community and ensure quality coaching. We want you to succeed in your fitness goals, and we'll do everything we can to help you get there. Register NOW!